
Interested in advertising your products and/or services but don’t know how to, when to or where? Find out at our Membership360 information sessions, where you can get an inside peek at Tourisme Montréal’s activities in different markets. The primary goal of these information sessions is two-fold: to show you what we offer and explain how we can work for you.

Membership360 covers Tourisme Montréal’s wide range of services: strategic planning, tourism performance, marketing objectives and advertising campaigns, offers and products, assistance programs, visibility in website and tourist guide, social media and digital platforms. Just ask: we’re here to help!


M360 - General

Next date: September, 4th2024
Place: Fairmont, Le Reine Elizabeth, 900 René-Lévesque W bld; Room "Rue Saint-Paul"


1 pm: Arrival of participants

1:30 om to 3:30 pm : Atelier Membership 360

Yves Lalumière, CEO of Tourisme Montréal, will close the Membership 360.

Starting at 4 pm: 4@6 at the Fairmont


Special guest

More information to come

Please note that Membership360 sessions will be offered in French.